Test for keyboard operations for <input type=number>

On success, you will see a series of "PASS" messages, followed by "TEST COMPLETE".

Test starts for <input type=number style="writing-mode: horizontal-tb">
Inserting "ab123cd":
PASS input.value is "123"
Press the up arrow key:
PASS input.value is "124"
Press the down arrow key:
PASS input.value is "123"
Press the down and alt arrow key, should not decrement value:
PASS input.value is "123"
Disable input element:
PASS input.value is "123"
Read-only input element:
PASS input.value is "123"
Moving caret by pressing arrow keys:
PASS input.value is "123"
PASS input.value is "123"

Test starts for <input type=number style="writing-mode: vertical-lr">
Inserting "ab123cd":
PASS input.value is "1000"
Press the up arrow key:
PASS input.value is "1001"
Press the down arrow key:
PASS input.value is "1000"
Press the down and alt arrow key, should not decrement value:
PASS input.value is "1000"
Disable input element:
PASS input.value is "1000"
Read-only input element:
PASS input.value is "1000"
Moving caret by pressing arrow keys:
PASS input.value is "1000"
PASS input.value is "1000"

Test starts for <input type=number style="writing-mode: vertical-rl">
Inserting "ab123cd":
PASS input.value is "5"
Press the up arrow key:
PASS input.value is "6"
Press the down arrow key:
PASS input.value is "5"
Press the down and alt arrow key, should not decrement value:
PASS input.value is "5"
Disable input element:
PASS input.value is "5"
Read-only input element:
PASS input.value is "5"
Moving caret by pressing arrow keys:
PASS input.value is "5"
PASS input.value is "5"
PASS successfullyParsed is true